Thursday, July 16, 2009

Getting Started

Getting started is the most difficult and exciting time in a person's journey toward any goal. This happens to be a health and fitness goal. I want you to be able to walk with me through my journey to a better lifestyle of both health and fitness.

I'll be posting videos, pictures and written updates as I go along. I'll tell you about my struggles and my successes. I'll keep you posted on my cravings, challenges and accomplishments.

My story is much like yours. I'm overweight and undernourished. I've been sucked into the idea that modern medicine is the answer and cure to everything. That doctors "know all" and I must follow every advice and take every medication. Well, things are about to drastically change. Things have already been changing.

I gave birth, via c-section, to my daughter Micaela in 2001 when I was only 24 years old. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension during my pregnancy and was never able to lower it on my own. I've also suffered with migraines (not headaches) since I was a teenager. The only thing that the doctors could tell me was that I needed prescription medication.

Recently, at the age of 31, I gave birth, via c-section again, to my son William. During this pregnancy the hypertension was controlled with medication. After the surgery I retained so much fluid that you couldn't even see my ankles and my toes wouldn't even touch the floor and when I walked I could feel the fluid jiggle on the tops of my feet. It was horrible. The medical staff was understanding but said that the fluid was normal and that it would soon subside.

I had William on a Wednesday and went home on Saturday. I felt pretty good considering I had just had surgery but that night I couldn't lay down without feeling like I was suffocating. So I spent most of the night on my feet, pacing, not wanting to wake up Brian. But the Lord knew I wouldn't call the doctor because of a "little" respiratory distress. So he gave me a little pocket of fluid in my incision that ruptured and made me a bit worried. So I called the doctor and he said the fluid was normal and there was no need to return to the hospital. I said "Oh, by the way, I'm having a hard time breathing too." He said "Get to the ER NOW!" Then I was concerned. He thought that I might have a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in my lungs) and that it was definitely a concern to take care of.

What I ended up being diagnosed with was post-partum congestive heart failure. Doesn't sound good, you say? Well you are correct! It was a very serious condition caused by my hypertension. I spent the night in the ICU and then 3 more days in the Med/Surg unit. They still couldn't get my blood pressure under control, but they sent me home with a pharmacy full of medications. I continued to take them and continued to feel like crap. Finally I had an appointment with a family doctor and she wanted to put me on another medication in addition to the ones that were not working. I said "No Thank You" and decided to take matters into my own hands.

Or so I thought.

I was then referred to a Cardiologist who was very understanding of the situation and my desire to start treatment that was more holistic. But he wanted me to try this one certain medication that was going to help for sure. So I took the samples and went home. Within 24 hours I was vomiting from the migraine that these medications gave me. Oh, by the way, I haven't had a migraine in over a year because of the health juice that Brian sells called MonaVie. So this was completely intolerable because I wasn't use to it anymore. As if anyone can get used to migraines. Anyway, I knew this medication was toxic and I took it anyway! Why is that? Why do we do that to ourselves? Because the doctors are supposed to know how to help us and heal us, that's why! But all they know is pharmaceuticals and toxicity!

So I was bound and determined to find another way. During all of this I was having a HUGE challenge with my sciatic nerve on my left side, lower back. I finally went to a chiropractor to get an adjustment and advice on how to fix my nerve problem. While I was there I asked him what he would suggest for hypertension. He said Magnesium because it's a natural muscle relaxer and would relax the muscles around my vessels to allow the blood to flow easier. He said the only side effect would be diarrhea if I took too much.

Since I had some Cal/Mag at home I thought I'd give it a try. I knew I wouldn't be throwing up from it or completely debilitated by it. So I took a dose in the morning and there was no side effect. The same result the next day. So I thought I'd up the dose and take some in the morning and the evening. Still no negative side effect. So, since I have a BP cuff at home, I checked my BP and after only 4 days, YES I said 4 days, my BP went from 160/120 to 139/95. Still a little high, but much much better. Now, after a month, I've cut back my dose to only once a day and this morning my BP was 137/69. OH YA! You read it correctly.

So if there are natural ways to healing your body then why don't we pursue them more often. Well, it's called media. But I won't go on a rampage about all of that. This of course is my story and my opinions. I'm not pressuring anyone to conform or agree. It's just what I've experienced. I'm feeling so much happier and healthier. I don't get sick or have any other adverse side effects.
I'm continuing to drink the acai berry juice, MonaVie, take the Cal/Mag and other herbs that are for heart health, like garlic. I may stink but I'm healthy, heehee :-)

Now I've joined the health team call Take Shape For Life. It's a team through a business call Medifast. I received my first shipment of product on June 16 and started the product the next day. I weighed in at 221 lbs and had not started the Cal/Mag yet so my bp was still through the roof. After only 1 month I've already shed 11 lbs and my bp is completely under control. I have some fantastic "before" pics that I'll post soon and some video taken of my pre-bp and weight and receiving my product.

This blog will be for fun to just follow along and so I'm accountable to all of you. I'll try not to be so opinionated but more informational and fun. My perspective on health has really changed. Especially since, most of you know, that I've worked in the health field for 13 years now at various hospitals and clinics. I'm changing the way I think and it's changing the way I feel.

So come along with me and enjoy the journey. And if you feel so inclined, join with me in feeling happier and healthier than ever before.
